GSO Test


Remote Home Learning

Be a resilient and motivated Manor Field Learner - keep learning!

Please click here for a guide to support you when accessing Zoom.

Please click here for our Seesaw support guide.

If you are struggling to sign in to Seesaw, please click here.

For a timetable to help you organise your day, please click here.


February half-term resources:

Please click here for a family wellbeing pack from the NHS.

Click below for some screen-free activity ideas:

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3


Our Remote Learning Offer:

At Manor Field Junior school, we will be providing 4 hours of remote learning a day. This will take the form of: a daily Zoom registration at 9:00 am; activities across Seesaw; self-guided tasks (spellings, hand writing, times tables and reading); and daily virtual assemblies. All work, including the daily assemblies, will be loaded onto Seesaw, and will go live at 9:00am. For more information about what a 'normal' remote learning day may look like, please click here.

Throughout the day, your child's class teacher will be providing feedback and will support your child with their learning. If your child is stuck with their work, encourage them to post a comment to their teacher so that they are able to offer support. In some cases, we may provide paper packs to support your child with their remote learning. 

For our Remote Education Provision and frequently asked questions, please click here.

Additional resources:

Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

Year 5/6 statutory spelling list

TT Rockstars

Please click here for a list of websites that are both safe and educational for you to use.

Here are some ideas for incorporating Thrive into your daily activities.

Here are some creative activities that you could be doing at home, on little or no budget!